1984-02-10  Brussel, Belgium, Forest National



Coming Home
Don't Make No Promises
Bad Boys Running Wild
Loving You Sunday Morning
Make It Real
Coast To Coast
Still Loving You
Rock You Like A Hurricane
Can't Live Without You
Another Piece Of Meat
The Zoo
Can't Get Enough

Line up:

Klaus Meine - vocals
Rudolf Schenker - rhythm guitars
Matthias Jabs - lead guitars
Francis Buchholz - bass
Herman Rarebell - drums

Total time: 84 minutes


Once again Scorpions came back to Belgium during their new album tour in 1984. There were Mama's Boys in the opening act. Vorst Nationaal was the largest indoor concert hall in Belgium at that time with a capacity of 7.500. However, the hall was probably only 2/3 full. A taper sat at the back of the hall, more or less behind the soundboard and about five meters above the audience on the floor. It is very rare even nowdays, that recording was on a 10.5-inch reel more then a quarter of a century.

There is the full version of the show what includes the last song "Dynamite" too. I would like to express my thanks to Konstantin! :)


Rec. equipment: HQ SONY cassette recorder;
Lineage: Maxell 120 minutes chrome cassette -> Transfered thought equalizer (2X16) to tape recorder TEAC 3300SX (type Maxell 10.5 inch.) -> Magic Audio Cleaning Lab 12 -> Wave [16bit/44.1KHz] -> CD-R (2).